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Last minute teaching ideas for Christmas (KS2 - KS3)
Stuck with your tutor group for an extra hour because...reasons...?
Have a last lesson planned, run it and the students love it. Then suddenly Christmas lunch is cancelled and you see the same group again?
Students demand that you have a 'fun' lesson but you just...well...didn't plan it?
Here is a set of ideas that are just pick up and go. Really. Just give yourself 5 minutes before the lesson and have a Merry Christmas one and all.

KS2 Collection of scaffolding worksheets
A large collection of 16 worksheets used for scaffolding.
Clouds of wonder
Design a book cover
Ideas web
KWL chart
Main idea and details
My prediction
Place mat
Planning a newspaper report
Venn diagram
Write a blurb
Y chart

Moving into Year 7: smooth transitions
A session for students that supports and helps students understand how to manage the transition into secondary school.
It gives them validation, and the opportunity to show their feelings in a safe environment.
Preparing for secondary school could be used as a poster or a worksheet for the students to explore their feelings.

Diamond Ranking Grid
This is a classic diamond ranking grid. The students can rank some concepts into order.
Better still, the students can be given a case study, develop their own list of concepts and then order them .
You can use this in different ways:
• Print out the sheets
• Print out concepts for students to arrange on the printed sheets
• Print out the concepts and get students to arrange without the template
• Project a completed sheet onto an interactive whiteboard and get the students to drag the boxes around
• Enlarge the sheet onto A3 and get them laminated. Students can then use the sheets with a pack of Whiteboard pens to enable a wipe clean board.

Parents' evening guide and bingo
Guide to parents' evening in Word format. Also included is a fun bingo game to play with your colleagues, just the type of thing to wind down before that evening at work!